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- Operation Every Nation
- Updated 2/2020
This list represents nations of the world with no Aglow presence. Let’s continue to target them with prayer until we’ve reached our goal: an Aglow Capital Prayer group in every nation of the world! Visit Aglow Capital Prayer for updates.
(English | Español | Français | Português) - How to Pray for Your Nation
Here are some simple suggestions to start praying for your nation.
(English | Español | Français)
Male/Female Reconciliation Handouts
- Jane Hansen Hoyt on Male/Female Reconciliation
A detailed article on the need for male and female reconciliation in the Body of Christ today. Jane Hansen Hoyt, President and CEO for Aglow International, uses scriptural analysis to explain the importance of this foundational truth to Aglow from God.
(English | Español | Français | 男與女重歸和諧復興) - 5 Foundational Questions About Men and Women
In this handout Jane Hansen Hoyt answers 5 foundational questions concerning the God given role of men and women in the earth.
(English | Español | Français) - How Satan's Hate of Women Stained the Church
Jane Hansen Hoyt describes how Satan's hatred of women down through the ages has crept into church doctrine and spread misconceptions about the role of women in God's original design.
(English | Español | Française) - 10 Things Men Need to Know About Women
An insightful series on the emotional and relational differences between men and women based upon Pastor and Aglow advisor Mike McIntosh’s comments at our 2003 Aglow Worldwide Conference, and a woman’s perspective contributed by Diane Fink, Aglow’s Director of AIM.
( English | 十件女人心事) - 10 Things Women Need to Know About Men
An insightful series on the emotional and relational differences between men and women based upon Pastor and Aglow advisor Mike McIntosh’s comments at our 2003 Aglow Worldwide Conference, and a woman’s perspective contributed by Diane Fink, Aglow’s Director of AIM.
(English | 十件男人心事)
Islam Handouts
- Why Aglow and Islam?
This article explains the call to educate people concerning Islam.
Israel Handouts
- What is Replacement Theology?
Replacement Theology states that the New Testament Church has “superseded” or replaced Israel in God’s purposes. Explore the truth behind this theology using scriptural sources.
(English | 何謂替代神學?) - Why Israel?
Aglow’s call to Israel has prompted some to ask, “Why Israel? Why not all the other nations of the world?” This article explains the reasons behind that call.
(English | 為何是以色列) - Why Aglow and Israel?
This article further explains the reasons behind the Israel call.
Additional Handouts
- How We Got to Where We Are
Since 1967, God has been sovereignly speaking to Aglow about His purposes in the earth and Aglow’s part in those purposes. Those purposes have crystallized as the three apostolic foundational truths. They are prophetic and end-time in nature: Male/Female Reconciliation, Islam, and Israel.
(English | 我們的使徒歷程)