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Note: This palm tree in Crystal Beach, Florida was blown down in a hurricane, but re-rooted itself and continues to grow upright reaching toward the sun. Truly the righteous will flourish like the palm (Psalm 91:12), and the enemy will not set or change our agenda.
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Our Bible Studies cover a wide variety of topics, and are free for you to use, copy and distribute as needed.
Also check out our Foundational Studies, which cover the basics of the Christian faith. Be blessed as your grow in your understanding of Jesus and God's outrageous love!
These handouts are on the subjects of prayer, Aglow's three mandates, and additional topics. They are free for download and reproduction.
Bible Studies
Our Bible Studies cover a wide variety of topics, and are free for you to use, copy and distribute as needed.
Also check out our Foundational Studies, which cover the basics of the Christian faith. Be blessed as your grow in your understanding of Jesus and God's outrageous love!
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