The Challenge
Pick a continent. Anywhere you look on the global map, the governments of this world are in upheaval. Our leaders need our prayer support more than ever before.
Aglow’s Response
In January, 2010, President Jane Hansen Hoyt, Nancy McDaniel and other international leaders launched a global prayer strategy focused on the nations’ capitals and their leaders.
Your Call to Pray
If you have a heart for your nation, please join in this global effort to intercede for godly leaders and for God’s purposes to be manifested on earth through righteous governments. If you have a heart to pray for the nations of the world, please join in this global prayer: that the Majesty of God will be known in the seat of government of those nations. Contact your national Aglow leaders to become involved in your nation's Capital Prayer movement.
Download How to Pray for Your Nation
Aglow’s 21st Century Prayer Strategy
- To establish a Capital Prayer Group in every capital city in the world that has an established Aglow presence. Their primary focus is to pray for the government and its leaders as the Apostle Paul directed (below).
- To target the capital cities of the 222 nations in the world as strategic locations to establish a Capital Prayer Group whose primary focus is to pray for the governmental authorities.
- To encourage those Aglow groups, (community, workplace, neighborhood Aglows) already established in capital cities to strengthen their embrace around this strategic call and purpose.
- Download Dave McDaniel's Crafted 911 Prayer Over the Earth
- Operation Every Nation
(English | Español | Français | Português)
Our Biblical Mandate
The Apostle Paul proclaimed that, “…supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made… for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence”
(1 Timothy 2:1, 2).