The 2013 Global Aglow Conference in Orlando, Florida was a life-changing event for Isabel Segovia, Texas South Area Vice President of Lighthouse Development. Isabel writes,
The conference in Florida was wonderful. It was interesting to hear the recap of where the Lord has taken Aglow through the years. I believe it’s important for rookies like me to hear it, and for more tenured team members to hear it again. It touched my heart to hear Jane’s interview telling about the battles she faced and overcame in her previous marriage and son. I appreciate her transparency. The teachings from Graham were also a special blessing.
At this conference it was a privilege to serve on the intercessory team. I walked away with much more than I brought. I joined the team with the intent of praying for others and blessing others. Yet it was I who walked away overwhelmingly blessed, abundantly and exceedingly.
My daughter, Victoria (22) went with me. This was her first conference and I am so blessed to report that she walked away a changed person. She helped run errands as we worked in the prayer room. A Japanese family came for prayer but there were no interpreters available. Victoria downloaded an app on her phone that translates English to Japanese and she asked the family if she could download a translation app on their phone. They agree so she was able to interpret for the prayer. She enjoyed getting to know this beautiful family.
On our way up to the conference Victoria called me “Queen Bee”, so you can imagine my delight to hear the teaching about bees, honey and bread. The next Sunday my pastor taught on John 6 about Jesus being the Bread of Life. Today at church there was a bee bussing around me in the sanctuary. After church in the parking lot, another bee buzzed around me and landed on my hand. Then again, while putting gas in the car another bee buzzed around. I wasn’t afraid of the bees stinging me as before. I love the way He orchestrates everything so perfectly.
The entire experience blessed us tremendously. We walked away with a treasure chest of jewels, so richly blessed and equipped.
Start making plans now to attend the 2013 US Aglow Conference October 30 – November 2 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Find out more | Volunteer