At our recent 2014 US National Conference, Jane Hansen Hoyt introduced Dave McDaniel as the new coordinator for Men in Aglow. After discussions this week with Dave and others here at Aglow Headquarters, it has been decided that Men of Aglow, or Men’s Aglow, would officially become Men of Issachar, Aglow International. We are excited that Dave will oversee this portion of Aglow as Men of Issachar Coordinator.
After Jane introduced him at conference, Dave remarked, “God is very interested in pouring out the fullness of His Presence into the earth like never before. Begin to serve wherever you are at. This is not a time to be complacent.”
Dave McDaniel
Men of Issachar CoordinatorDave serves on the Leadership Team of a Men’s Aglow (now Men of Issachar, Aglow International) in Bakersfield, California. He is an engaging speaker with an enthusiasm for seeing people live in the fullness of their identity and spiritual inheritance. He also has been instrumental in promoting Men of Issachar, an Aglow prayer network inviting men to participate together in prayer.
The Men of Issachar prayer network is now an intricate part of the Men of Issachar, Aglow International. With a discerning and understanding of the times, men are invited to join together and bring a godly influence and change into their sphere of influence by being a carrier of His Presence in the earth.
Dave is the husband of Nancy McDaniel, Aglow International Prayer Director, and they minister through the impartation of God’s heart to both men and women. They also partner together with Aglow International to bring gender reconciliation through interactive seminars for men and women. Whether ministering together or individually, the theme of knowing who you are in Christ and operating in the power and joy of the Holy Spirit is foundational.
If you are interested in being a part of Men of Issachar, Aglow International, or would like further information to questions you may have, you are invited to contact Dave McDaniel at