In the early days of Aglow’s ministry, an Aglow woman named Julie Wayner wrote and published her story in a small book called, “His Gentle Voice.” Near the end of this story, Julie shares how she came to Aglow (then called “Women’s Aglow Fellowship) and stepped into the role as Bible Study Chairman.
In her time of praying, she asked the Lord whether this leadership position was one that He was directing her towards. In response, the Lord guided her to 1 Peter 5:2 “Feed the flock of God, which is among you, taking the oversight, not by constraint, but willingly.”
Julie’s story is one that has shaped my life personally and vocationally. As I asked the Lord what He would want to share with Aglow’s International Field (to include Generations) in this first month of the year 2025, the Lord led me back to the tiny book on my shelf written by a woman who served the Lord internationally in ministry for many years prior to coming to Aglow.
Julie’s story and words are a great reminder to each of us in Aglow International today that ultimately the direction the Lord has called each of us to personally and as a worldwide ministry, is to feed His flock.
The Lord asks us to partake in caring for His sheep, not because we must but because we are willing. The Lord is reminding us that He has great plans for Aglow in the year(s) ahead, and is directing our steps as we faithfully follow Him, our great Shepherd.
He is also encouraging us that 2025 is a year where we willingly join hands across our nations and pour our hearts into feeding His flock because our hearts are willing and His grace is sufficient.