Kathy Sanders, Leader Development DirectorI joined the staff at Aglow Headquarters in June, 2004. I like to say that it was the phrase, “We are moving!” spoken forth at the 2003 conference that moved me from Texas to Washington State.
I became part of the Lake Jackson, TX Aglow group in the early ‘80’s. As I stood before the membership (Global Partnership now) table one meeting, the President came up to me and said, “Kathy, if you will pay your membership, God will use you in Aglow.” My thought was, “Well, it is only $10, what do I have to lose?” I can tell you, it was one of the best investments I made for the future.
Within three months, I was asked to become part of the Full Board as the Publicity Chairman. No computers in those days. Clip art and copiers. I dubbed myself, the Pitiful Poster maker! And each month, I took them around town, hanging them on walls and windows for all to see. Those were the days!
I served in several positions on the Lake Jackson board before becoming part of the Southeast Texas Area Team. I was serving as the President of that team when I responded to the nudge to ‘move to Edmonds to help Jane’. I felt like Abraham must have felt when he walked off his map, because I surely walked off mine! Being raised in Texas and having lived there all my life, moving from a HOT climate to a very cool climate in the beautiful Pacific Northwest was extreme to me. I like to tell people that if you survive the first winter, you will be okay.
Becoming a member or Global Partner with Aglow began my journey to Headquarters. While I did not see that in my future, God had a plan. There have been many times that I have wondered, what was He thinking!?! Yet, He is faithful to equip those He calls and He gave me the perfect job as Leader Development Director.
Foremost, I feel it is important that there is no misconception in the minds of Aglow leaders about who Aglow is called to be in the earth. When God said there would be a Lighthouse in every city, town, and village around the world, He was not kidding! I love encouraging each Aglow attendee to rise up and step into the place where God is calling them to serve. Through GameChangers and LifeChangers, along with all the prophetic words and messages spoken into the ministry, God has poured into each one of us with foundational truths to stand in the face of every modern day Goliath and to watch them fall!