Rick Allen, Director Creative ServicesMy journey with Aglow began as my wife Druci and I were facing a huge challenge. It was December of 2007, the middle of the Great Recession. We had just closed our small marketing business which we had started a decade earlier. I remember thinking after selling the last of the equipment and walking out of our office for the last time, “I don’t know where we’ll go from here, or even how we’ll pay our mortgage next month, but I know God is faithful and that He has something wonderful just around the corner.” We were trusting in His promise to provide all our needs and to direct our path. He certainly came through on both counts.
It wasn’t more than a week later when a fax was sent to our church from Aglow International. Our church secretary handed it to me one Sunday and said, “I know you’re looking for work, maybe you’d be interested in this.” Aglow was looking for a part-time webmaster. I wasn’t sure if this women’s organization even hired men, but I thought it was worth a try so I sent an email indicating my interest.
A few days later I received a call. Aglow headquarters was only an hour or so from our home in Auburn so it was easy to set up the interview. I went in not knowing what to expect. The meeting lasted a couple of hours and I found a real heart connection with these ladies. We spent more time talking about the Lord than we did about the job, but that was fine. I loved it. We all agreed that this was a good fit, and I committed to working part-time, two days a week helping with the Aglow website.
It wasn’t long before I was offered a full-time position with benefits, which I gladly accepted. I knew that God had led me to this wonderful ministry.
After about a year on the job my boss, Karen Anderson made the decision to retire and I was offered the position. Karen was an excellent leader and I felt inadequate to fill her shoes, but I was honored to accept and become the first male director in the history of the organization. Since that time, I was invited to join the International Board of Directors. Another first. What a privilege!
Several years later, my wife Druci was hired on as the receptionist. She now serves in the U.S. Department under Linda Jones. Working as a couple at Aglow headquarters has been like a dream for us. What a joy to serve the Lord together and be a part of what God is doing in the earth through this amazing organization. We are so blessed.
I could go on and on about the work that we do in Creative Services. We have an excellent team and it’s such a privilege to lead them. We work closely with all the Aglow leadership and feel that we are an integral part of the organization. Most often we are behind the scenes, but much of what you see, read and hear from Aglow in the form of videos, websites, and email comes from our department. We stay very busy. The work is challenging and so rewarding.
I believe that God has great plans for this ministry in the years ahead. It has been spoken over us that we will be used greatly of the Lord in the coming Third Great Awakening. As we keep our eyes on Him and humbly seek His face, I have no doubt this will happen. Our greatest days are still ahead. God bless you all as we serve our King together.