Joan Bennett
Director, Asia, Middle East & South Pacific Regions
Global Field Office - InternationalSince the Lord called me into Aglow in the year 1979, my heart has always been to serve in the Aglow Ministry, and it became a life-long call.
My husband and I had just come through a difficult time in our marriage where we had separated for several months. The Lord let me know that when my husband asked to reconcile, I was to return to our marriage. This was a difficult decision but I followed the Lord’s leading and never looked back. He is the healer of marriages and we just celebrated our 54th wedding anniversary!
We have two grown children, a son and a daughter, and three beautiful grandchildren. Our two granddaughters are now in college and our grandson is in high school. They bring joy to our lives.
After my husband and I reconciled, I was at a place in my life of searching and praying for a closer walk with God. I was hungry for more of Him in my life. Through an Aglow woman I met while with our daughters at Girl Scout Camp, I learned about Aglow. She bought me to my first Aglow meeting and the rest is history!
I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and I began to serve as a hostess on a Local Aglow Board where over time I served in other positions. After 7 years, the Lord called me to serve as well on an Area Board. I was growing up in the things of God!
Then, the Lord called me to serve in a new place. I had not aspired to work at Aglow headquarters but in 1995 a job opening was advertised through the Area Board and I felt the nudge from the Lord to apply. I asked my husband what he thought and he was in agreement. I had worked in our small business for many years while our children were small. He felt it was God and he encouraged me to move forward. After 3 interviews I was hired as an Administrative Assistant in the Executive Office where I served for 16 years.
Then I began feeling a stirring in my spirit” and I “knew God was up to something!” I had a strong desire to work with the Aglow leadership in the field again. I wasn’t sure what that would look like.
The answer came when Jane asked me to consider a position in the Global Field Office – International, working with Jervae Brooks and Aglow in the nations. Although I had always felt my call was to the U.S. Fellowships, my heart leaped with joy at the news of working with Aglow women in the nations.
In January, 2012 I became part of the Global Field Office - International where my main focus has been working with the Aglow leadership in the nations of Asia, Middle East and South Pacific. These past 9 years have been beautifully marked by deep relationships that have grown between myself and the Aglow women I have worked with throughout the nations.
I have learned through the GameChangers messages that God has a dream for each one of us. I know from experience that if you seek Him with all of your heart, He will show you what His plans and purposes are for your life. Following His leading has brought me great fulfillment. I am living His dream for me and I have never looked back!