Helen Joy Duperree, Pennsylvania State Prayer Coordinator
(Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10)
Last summer, Helen Joy Duperree, State Prayer Coordinator of Pennsylvania, was scrolling through Facebook when she came across a post of a lady talking about how she was organizing prayer for the next generation. Helen Joy said, “I felt the fire of God on her words.”
That night when Helen Joy couldn’t sleep, she began to think of each Lighthouse in Pennsylvania looking to see if there was one that centered on generations below her generation. Her mind was like a directory as she went city by city. Having gone through each group, she realized that there was no current group focusing on the younger generations and she felt like Holy Spirit said, “Let’s go get them.”
The next week Helen Joy was to take a bus tour for a week across her state. She had the distinct feeling that Holy Spirit would be coming with her and that the two of them would gather the generations for the House of Aglow.
First, she felt to gather the grandchildren of Aglow ladies who had gone to Heaven during COVID. Those precious grandchildren had fallen through the cracks. They carry a spiritual legacy left for them by their grandmothers who were in Aglow and they needed to know.
Appointment after appointment, Helen Joy met with those grandchildren. Some she knew, others she didn’t and she depended on Holy Spirit to make sure she found them all.
When she sat down to eat, she told the waitresses what she was doing and each was drawn to her assignment. When she left, they cried on her shoulder asking her not to forget them. She met up with youth that she knew from a former church. The doors opened for her to visit a private school and she and another Aglow leader were able to go into two classrooms praying and prophesying over the kids and the Principal. Helen Joy said, “I met a state full of a generation that didn’t know me, but loved what I was carrying!”