Joyce Dudder - State Prayer Coordinator for Washington State and VP of Lighthouse Development on the North Sound Area TeamRecently, Joyce Dudder, State Prayer Coordinator for Washington State and VP of Lighthouse Development on the North Sound Area Team, started a new prayer meeting in her hometown of Monroe, WA. It has been on her heart for years to have an Aglow group there and it looks like the desire of her heart will soon be realized.
Joyce said that the prayer group had started small with herself and two other ladies. This week two new ladies joined them. They are the only two Spirit-filled women who attend the local Episcopal church in their community. The great Aglow connection is that the two women both attended Father Dennis Bennett’s church many years ago, as they were personal friends of Father Dennis and his wife, Rita! Fr. Bennett was the author of Nine 0’clock in the Morning.
For one of the women, it was her first experience with Aglow. Joyce said, “We prayed over them and spoke into things that concerned their hearts. At the end of the meeting, the new lady said, ‘We have found our tribe!’”
Joyce said that as she went to the meeting that morning, she went without an agenda. As she drove, she sang songs from Sunday School about joy. As the meeting started, Joyce led out in the joyful songs and the meeting went on from there. Joyce said, “God wants us to follow His agenda. Like Jane has said, ‘Just show up!’ I did and God is doing the rest.”
Each week phone calls come into Headquarters from women who are searching for the Aglow nearest to them. Many have been involved in Aglow years ago and are feeling drawn to connect again. Other calls come from women who have moved to a new community and are searching to connect with the nearest Aglow group. Aglow was relevant in 1967 and is as relevant today. Find your tribe today!
Fill out the form on either of these pages and someone will get back to you with information on groups near you.