L to R - Cathy Caylor, Elaine Santo, Laurie Wong, Chaplain Kibben, Lois Saff, Diane Caliendo, Deb MoorheadAs Cathy Caylor, Regional Director of the Northeast Region, prepared for the annual prayer journey into Washington, DC, she heard the Lord say that this time the team would be “warriors marching with the love of God, the Light of God, and the Power of God!” A team of six mighty prayer warriors made up of Laurie Wong and Elaine Santo from NJ, Diane Caliendo and Lois Saff from NY, Deb Moorhead and Cathy from PA embarked on this great prayer assignment filled with great expectations.
Cathy said, “On our first night in town, four of us were able to join with a lady who has a ministry to young people at Camp David. There was a powerful time of worship and the Word.
The next morning we visited the Museum of the Bible where we saw many things and learned about the Bible down through time. After dinner we review our schedule for the next few days, worshipped, took communion, and prayed over each other. A few verses we felt to look up were: “He will direct His battering rams against your walls, and He will cut down your towers with His axes.” Ezekiel 26:9 “Don’t be afraid, Jacob, you worm. You people of Israel, I will help you,” declares the Lord, your Defender, the Holy One of Israel. “I am going to make you into a new threshing sledge with sharp, double-edged teeth. You will thresh the mountains and crush them to dust. You will turn the hills into straw.” Isaiah 41:14-15.” “Call to Me, and I will answer you. I will tell you great and mysterious things that you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3
Cathy continued, “On Sunday Jeff Wright picked us up at 8:00 am. It was his birthday, plus the anniversary of 40 years in ministry at The National Prayer Embassy. We surprised him with a gift and sang Happy Birthday to him as he wiped a tear from his eye. We stopped at the Hiroshima Memorial to get a picture. From there was a beautiful View of the Lincoln Memorial (Ark of the Covenant and brothers coming into unity), Washington Monument (The Sword of the Spirit) and the Capitol (helmet of salvation).
We felt to pray at the Federal Reserve Building where we asked for forgiveness for the way the Federal Reserve began. We noticed the building was under construction and felt this was a sign that it was under reconstruction from Heaven’s point of view. We repented for all the debt our nation has.
Next, we went to the Department of Corrections where those accused of crimes on January 6th are being held. We got out and sang the Star-Spangled Banner and prayed for those being held in captivity by our government. It was a solemn time.
Next, we went to David’s Tent where we heard a wonderful message from Psalm 142 where David was hiding in a cave. God was again calling out for intimacy.
That evening we joined on a national prayer call with young people across the nation. We were introduced as “Women’s Aglow from NJ, NY, PA, Reinforcements fighting for the soul of America.” It is true. Aglow is a mighty prayer movement fighting for the soul of every nation!
The next morning we visited the Cannon Building where we prayed with several staffers. Then we went to Jim Jordan’s office and other offices to pray. We could sense help from Heaven and great oppression at the same time. It is a war and Heaven wins!
Next, we were able to attend a Bible study being held in the Longworth House. Pastor Dan Cummings sponsors the Bible study and was so glad to see us. He took us to the Capitol on the underground tram. He gave us a tour starting with Surveyor’s Benchmark for the City, the Geographic center of DC, stating that directly below it is Washington's proposed Tomb so Citizenry would have been able to view Washington's Tomb. It’s called “The Congressional Jail" Washington's Grave. But his body was never put there. We concluded the tour with our beautiful visit to the Chapel where we prayed.
From the Chapel we went to Chaplain Kibben’s office. We were all so blessed to meet her. She is a Presbyterian and she served in the Navy for 35 years. She opens the House daily with prayer. She is the first woman to serve in this capacity and there have only been nine congressional chaplains since the Civil War!
Later that afternoon, we prayer walked around the Israeli and Chinese Embassies.
Early the next morning, we joined for prayer at the Family Research Council where we were able to pray over Adam Schindler. It was also FRC’s 40th anniversary.
Next, we were able to attend a Bible study with Chaplain Black in the Senate. It was a powerful time of testimony as he spoke about the loss of his mother. He encouraged all who are walking through loss and pain to turn to God and all Him to heal and comfort. At one point during his testimony, he acknowledged our Aglow group as having all the answers. We all laughed. He then encouraged everyone to be looking for at least three things from God. He said, “Those who aim at nothing get nothing.”
Cathy concluded with, “Our last meeting before departing the next morning was with a powerful prayer warrior in DC. She told us about the many prayer walks taking place and how they write prayers and scriptures on rocks and drop them as they walk. The group has noticed black coins and they pick them up, breaking any curses associated with them. Hell has its agenda, too, but it will not stand! God always triumphs!”
Aglow has been taking prayer trips into Washington DC since 2008. We encourage you to join your Regional Director on the next trip. You will be glad you did.