Angie MartinezEarlier this year Angie Martinez, former President of the Wyoming Area Team, used the Lord You Said Healing Cards to stir prayer for those needing healing. We reached out to Angie to hear the rest of the story and here it is.
“It all started when I was introduced to my Identity in Christ through GameChangers. It started a process of discovery and growth in my relationship with Jesus. Through this discovery my relationship with Jesus became personal and adventurous.
It has been a time of really examining what I believed about myself and the Word of God. The more I learn, the more I am starting to understand God’s heart toward us and what living on earth as in Heaven means and looks like.
For years I thought it was about just studying and praying and hoping for results, for things to change. While it is, there is so much more! Let me explain.
Three years ago, I read Mathew 10:7-8 and it came to life in my spirit. I began to study healing and raising the dead. I asked God to show me how to proceed in it and how to live in it.
Mathew 10:7-8 from the Passion Translation says, “Heaven’s Kingdom realm is accessible, close enough to touch. You must continually bring healing to the lepers and to those who are sick and make it your habit to break off demonic presence from people and raise the dead back to life. Freely you have received the power of the Kingdom, so freely release it to others.”
And Romans 8:17 says, “And since we are His true children, we qualify to share all His treasures for indeed, we are heirs of God Himself. And since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that He is and all the He has. We experience being co-glorified with Him provided that we accept His suffering as our own.”
Jesus came to this earth to show us how to live in power and authority. He came to give us all that He is and all the He has. He paid a great price for this.
For the past three years I have been studying healing and the miracles of God in the Bible. Our Church received a word that this year would be a red-letter year - meaning that we were to pay attention to the words in red, the words Jesus spoke. I believe in the confession of God’s Word over ourselves and into our life.
For the last year I have been confessing the Aglow Healing cards over myself and my family.
Then the Lord spoke to my heart in November 2020 that I was to become proactive with Him, meaning I was to become a catalyst and to expect a reaction. So, I started on January 1, 2021.
On the first day of January, I woke up with an old song on my heart, “You Are Great. Lord You do miracles so great. You deserve the glory and the honor. I lift my hand in worship and I bless Your Holy Name.” The Lord had been talking to me about healing and seeing the miracles in this coming year.
I decided that I would become proactive and do 55 days of prayer with the Aglow Healing Cards on my Facebook page. Each day I wrote a prayer for healing and added an Aglow healing card to my post. I prayed every day asking Father for His heart and what illness He wanted to go after. I received one testimony of a healing of a back being completely healed. She had spine issues after she had surgery 10 years ago. Today she is pain free after suffering with pain for 10 years. Praise God.
There were many testimonies of how these prayers blessed people. I look forward to what God will do next. I want to be proactive with Him and a catalyst to prompt a reaction and or a result. It is on earth in me as it is in Heaven. This is my identity statement for this year.”
We would love to hear what you are doing in your sphere of influence to share how you are using what you have learned through Game/LifeChangers or how you are using the Grace cards or either set of Lord You Said cards.