Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?
Isaiah 58:6
Prayer breaks chains and gives favor that is supernatural. It enables rescue and puts people in the right place at the right time.
How are you this month? This month I want to talk a little bit once more about Pornography. Because the movie "50 Shades of Grey" released on Valentine’s Day this year, it’s important that we talk about erotica and pornography in regards to trafficking.
Now before you say, “Not another 50 Shades article!” or, “I don’t read this, I go to church – why do we keep talking about it?” you should know that 50 Shades of Grey is a big seller. In fact, it’s one of the top 10 most sold books in the world…ever. It has sold over 100 Million copies, (roughly half sold in America) and been translated into 52 languages. Breakdown: Close to 1 in 6 people in the U.S.A. have bought a digital or physical copy of this book.
What does this mean to you? This means that your friends, your church members, or perhaps your family members, own or have read "50 Shades of Grey". And the concern is that books can often lead to visual pornography. As you’ll hear in the video below, did you know that teenage girls now make up the biggest slice of viewable porn?
50 Shades author E.L. James, who started as a fan fiction writer, seemingly launched this new genre of “mommy porn” – erotica aimed at moms in their 30’s and older. (Also said to be responsible for the boom in sales of various e-reader tablets several years ago. Who can judge your book by its cover…if it’s on a screen?)
Why does this matter? This matters because pornography deals with fantasy – and research shows tying your emotional and chemical body reactions to a fantasy, and not your spouse, has drastic and escalating effects on your brain. Pornography isn’t just videos watched by men or women. It’s erotica. Pornography’s definition itself reads:
“Printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. Synonyms: erotica, pornographic material, dirty books..."
Ladies, we have to be real. First of all, I’m not shaming ANYONE – and you shouldn’t either. In fact, if this issue concerns you, the first suggestion I make is to read "Pulling Back the Shades" by Dr. Juli Slattery & Dannah K. Gresh. This Focus on the Family suggested book is filled with encouraging stories, testimonials and information. A few pages into this and you’ll realize you are not alone.
If this issue doesn’t concern you per se, know that the statistics aren’t pretty even among “the world” and “the church” regarding pornography. And if we can’t show grace to others as we confess our ‘dirty little secret’ then the church – male and female, young and old – won’t come out of that closet. As I’ve talked about before, Pure Desire is one of my favorite resources for women, men, or teens seeking freedom from pornography – in whatever form it’s in. I also pray grace and wisdom for you as you seek out who to talk to – do use wisdom and prayer in who you open up to about an issue as intimate as this.
Second – we need to be fair. Sex trafficking is fueled by the porn industry. Truly, the industry is so lucrative, they actively seek to gain customers for life – starting with (and aiming for) children. So Covenant Eyes and other protections are highly recommended. However, the point I’m getting at here – is that it’s not fair to point fingers at men who watch visual porn, while we pick up our dirty books and say “we’re not hurting anyone.”
The principle is the same. Pornography – written or visual – harms and rewires your brain. It’s hurting you, and it’s sly about it. It’s not what God intended for you, or me. And reading erotica, can often lead to viewing pornography. Which leads us to this sobering truth…
Pornography often involves SEX TRAFFICKED victims. Watch this 2 minute video from Rescue Freedom. Did you know the origin of the word pornography is from the mid-19th century: 'from Greek pornographos 'writing about prostitutes'. As the video states, “Fighting human trafficking and then watching porn is like protesting a corrupt politician and then donating to his campaign.”
- Pray for the freedom of sex trafficking victims exploited by pornography.
- Pray for protection for victims whose pimps would use their pornography as blackmail to keep them in ‘the life.’
- Pray for your family – Pray for freedom from any impurity. Ask God for wisdom and grace in implementing safeguards in your home.
- Pray for your community – Pray for freedom and purity. Ask God for grace and wisdom should anyone come to you for help or confession.
- Pray for the youth at your church – Pornography truly is aimed at children. An average exposure being age 8. Pray young ones are protected, make good decisions, and turn the page/website/channel when they come across things they know are wrong.
Lastly, I want to invite your input. If you want to hear more about this or another subject in a future newsletter, please reply and let me know.
If you would like more information on this subject matter regarding its impact in the church, please respond and let me know.
Suggested Resources
- An Ex Call Girls Take on Fifty Shades – By Annie Lobert, Hookers For Jesus
- #RefuseToClick video from Rescue Freedom/Jefferson Bethke
- eXXXit by John Hammer
- Pulling Back the Shades by Dr. Juli Slattery & Dannah K. Gresh
- Pure Desire Ministries - This Christian ministry is active in the U.S. and includes: Help for men struggling with porn, help for women struggling with porn, and a "Betrayal" series which helps women whose husbands have admitted to a pornography habit deal with feelings of betrayal and lead to healing.
- Covenant Eyes - This site helps provide internet accountability and filtering, and also provides helpful articles.
- Article - Sex Trafficking Expert Has Alarming Concerns About 'Fifty Shades of Grey'
- Peace Beyond The Tears - Did you feel all alone when you discovered your husband's secret battle? Have you watched your marriage intimacy erode? Tina has been where you are- feeling like her world is falling apart, not knowing which way was up and thinking something was wrong with her. You’re not alone. Sit with Tina as she shares her story of pain and struggle woven together by God's grace and healing.
Standing in the gap with you,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Anti-Trafficking Specialist
Aglow International